Am I going to get Alzheimer’s? Can I go on an Alzheimer’s Prevention Diet?


By Dr. Bruce Semon, M.D., Ph.D.

The questions, “am I going to get Alzheimer’s? is there anything I can do about it?” are heart-wrenching because the medical community cannot answer them.  But I can, so stay tuned.  I recommend an Alzheimer’s Prevention Diet based on my own medical and scientific research.

Many people have experienced the agony of putting parents or loved ones into nursing homes because Alzheimer’s has taken away the mothers and fathers who raised them.  Instead these people have parents who don’t know them and require constant care.  The strain becomes difficult if not unbearable.

At the back of their minds is the lurking thought: will this happen to me?  Will I reach a time when I do not know even my own children?  When I might become a burden on them?  Maybe there is something I can do to prevent Alzheimer’s.

Going on an effective Alzheimer’s Prevention Diet will help a lot.

These questions are hard to answer.  Anxiety can become as taxing as care-giving.  Nobody can tell them what to do to avoid this fate.  Because the traditional research community has no answers, they are told there are no answers.

I have a different approach, because I have done different research.

So what is my Alzheimer’s Prevention Diet?

The accepted standard medical research shows two things.  First, people who eat little to no meat develop Alzheimer’s less often.  Second, higher rates of cholesterol are associated with higher rates of Alzheimer’s.

Why is this the case?  I studied potential toxins (poisons) in a common diet to try to figure this out.  When you look at conventionally raised meat, you find that it contains many different chemicals that act as toxins in the human body.  Specifically, meat contains cottonseed toxins, because frequently animals’ diets contain whole cottonseed.  One of the cottonseed toxins goes to the brain and interferes with it so that the brain does not work as well. When rats in my lab were fed cottonseed, they developed severe brain problems and were found to actually have the holes in their brains that are characteristic of Alzheimer’s.   I call this characteristic the “Swiss Cheese Brain.”  If you want to prevent Alzheimer’s, you should not eat foods that contain cottonseed.  That is the heart of my Alzheimer’s Prevention Diet.

The second problem with cottonseed is that cottonseed toxins are found to increase cholesterol, This has been shown in other animal studies.  High cholesterol can cause heart disease.  In my study, feeding cottonseed to animals also caused high cholesterol and  heart disease. Remember that high cholesterol is one of the risk factors for (both) Alzheimer’s and heart disease.  It is not just because people are eating meat, but because the cottonseed toxins in the meat actually raise cholesterol.

Good news though: there are things you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s, starting right now.

arrows_sideFirst, instead of waiting for a new drug, take action yourself.

Second, read labels.  If the word “cottonseed” is on the label in any way, shape or form, don’t buy it.  You can find cottonseed oil in many brands of tortilla chips, frostings, and even canned soup.  There are many products in grocery stores without cottonseed oil.  Buy them instead.   This step will help you start controlling your cholesterol level more effectively.

Third, eat more eggs.  Surprised?  Amazingly, eggs do not raise cholesterol even though they contain cholesterol.   The reason is that cottonseed, which is fed to cattle, pigs and fish, cannot be fed to egg laying chickens.  Cottonseed turns the eggs pink.  So for a cottonseed-free source of protein, eat eggs.  Yes, even the yolks!

Fourth, read the rest of the story in my book, Rottenseed! Cottonseed, Alzheimer’s and Your Brain for more ways to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s!