Feast Without Yeast: 4 Stages to Better Health, by Bruce Semon, M.D., Ph.D., and Lori Kornblum, with a foreword by Bernard Rimland, Ph.D.
En Espanol: Un Banquete Sin Levadura (2015)
Author Dr. Bruce Semon is a board-certified psychiatrist, a child psychiatrist and doctorate level nutritionist. He speaks regularly at conferences, and has appeared on numerous radio programs and internet programs. Ms. Kornblum is an attorney. She counsels parents on how to implement yeast free, wheat free and dairy free diets for their children. Both Dr. Semon and Ms. Kornblum are available to speak at conferences, radio programs, on-line chats, to teach classes, and for consultation. Call 1-877-332-7899 to schedule your event. For more information on Dr. Semon’s medical practice and experience, click here.
Call 1-877-332-7899 to order from use directly, or click on links at the bottom of the page to order from Amazon.com
Both English and Spanish versions are available in Kindle as well as paperback!
William G. Crook, M.D., author of The Yeast Connection and the Woman, and The Yeast Connection Handbook says:
“Feast Without Yeast: 4 Stages to Better Health is a wonderful book. Comprehensive, yet concise. Authoritative, user-friendly, readable and unique because the authors are parents of an autistic child. Moreover, they have worked tirelessly in stores and in their kitchen putting practical recipes together which their son would eat.”
What is Feast Without Yeast?
- A cookbook filled with more than 225 original, kitchen tested recipes. All of them are yeast free. Most are free of gluten and wheat, casein and milk, and eggs. All are free of soy, rye, corn, additives and preservatives. The recipes are easy to follow, designed so a 10 year old can use them!
- A complete guide to making the transition to yeast free, and, if necessary wheat (gluten) free and milk (casein) free living. We give you simple steps to follow, in four stages, eliminating only the most necessary foods to improve your health. You will get a list of the foods you can eat and those you can’t eat. Plus, every recipe is keyed to the Stages, so you know exactly what you can cook at all times.
A question was raised on Amazon.com, is this book really valuable for people following a yeast free, gluten free, casein free diet?
The answer is YES! Feast Without Yeast is 100% yeast free, and is “mostly” free of wheat and milk. There are 228 recipes in the book. All are free of yeast and fermented and moldy foods. Approximately 190 of the 228 are free of milk and wheat as well. The reviewer states only a handful of recipes are gluten/casein free. We fail to see how he or she can come to that conclusion. For example, 11 of the 14 “Mainly potato” recipes are free of wheat and milk; 17 of the 21 “Mainly Vegetable” recipes are free of wheat and milk; and 100% of the meat, fish and poultry recipes are. The count is similar in all chapters except desserts, “Sweets & Treats.” Although all of the cakes and cookes have wheat and milk, we do have milk and wheat free pies, sorbets (a frozen dessert), frostings, candy and even a pudding. The reviewer states that most of the gluten and casein free foods are “beverages.” Only 3 of the 228 recipes are for beverages, and 2 of those three are milk and wheat free. We hope that all of our customers will be happy and will find this book useful and helpful, and regret any confusion that this review may cause.
Who should use Feast Without Yeast?
Candida Diet
- Everyone who loves great food!Although this is a cookbook designed primarily for people with health and allergy issues, the recipes are delicious and easy to make for everyone. You will be surprised at how great you feel after you eat the food you cook.
- Everyone looking for cholesterol free food. Most of the recipes are cholesterol free.
- Everyone with a yeast problem! All recipes are free of yeast, mold and fermented foods.
- Passover, including a menu for a Passover Seder. Feast Without Yeast includes wheat free, egg free and milk free latkes, kugels and other delicious dishes.
- Everyone coping with common food allergies, to milk, eggs, soy, corn, rye, wheat and other foods. Feast Without Yeast contains no corn, soy, or rye. Milk, wheat and egg free recipes are clearly labeled.
- Everyone avoiding artificial preservatives, table sugar, colors and additives. Feast Without Yeast is totally natural, using whole grains, and sweetening with unprocessed honey.
- Everyone suffering from any of these health conditions: Headaches, including migraine; fatigue; chronic ear infection; Fibromyalgia; chemical sensitivity; depression; abdominal pain; bloating, diarrhea; constipation; eczema; psoriasis; rashes; hives; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Crohn’s Disease; Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD); Autism; pain or numbness in hands or feet; Multiple Sclerosis; Rheumatoid Arthritis; and many more.
You can read what’s inside the book here.
About the Authors:
Dr. Bruce Semon is both a board certified psychiatrist and child psychiatrist and nutritionist practicing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He received his M.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison and his Ph.D. in Nutrition from University of California-Davis. Dr. Semon was a Research Fellow in the Laboratory of Nutritional and Molecular Regulation, of the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health. He received his adult psychiatry training at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Semon also was a Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Dr. Semon has published several academic papers relating to nutrition, and is a contributing author to Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD, by Dr. William Shaw.
As a complement to Dr. Semon’s regular psychiatry practice, Dr. Semon has treated many patients for yeast-related illnesses, including eczema, psoriasis, depression and autism, with remarkable results.
To contact him personally, or to make an appointment to see Dr. Semon, please call (414) 352-6500. To learn more about his practice, click here.
Lori Kornblum is an attorney practicing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has published scholarly and popular articles relating to law. Ms. Kornblum regularly advises parents and others how to implement yeast free, milk and wheat free diets. She teaches cooking classes, too.
Dr. Semon and Ms. Kornblum are married and live in Milwaukee with their three children, one of whom has an autistic disorder.
The authors created all of the recipes in this book to help their son, as well as Dr. Semon’s other patients, with disorders related to yeast, wheat, dairy and other food sensitivities.
Dr. Semon has appeared on numerous radio programs and internet programs. Both Dr. Semon and Ms. Kornblum are available to speak at conferences, teach classes, and for consultation. Call 877-332-7899 to schedule a date.
As of 2003, we printed customer comments on our books, Extraordinary Foods for the Everyday Kitchen and An Extraordinary Power to Heal.
Just a few of the many Reviews from Amazon.com posted after we published our other books:
Thank You for making this easier for me!!! By Becky Jo Schwarz “Becky Jo” on February 21, 2015 I purchased a bunch of books on eating yeast free. This was by far the best one! As it says in the title it gives you four different stages of yeast free. If you have an intolerance to yeast, this gives you stages to see what works for you. It has recipes for all stages grouped into different categories and some give alternate ingredients for higher stages. One of the things I love most is the shopping list for each of the stages. That has made my life so much easier! GREAT resource for transitioning into better health! By Jessica Smith on September 9, 2014 Incredibly helpful! The online guides to cleaning yeast out of your system are completely drastic for the average person. I’ve been making diet changes for years trying to figure out what I needed. I finally figured out that I needed to clean yeast out of my system, but most of the online diets did not cover important things that were in this book…and they cut out other things that weren’t necessary for getting rid of yeast in the body, according to this book. I’ve had great results following this book’s stages. I went all the way to stage 3, but have found some things that are restricted on the stage 3 diet that I can still eat without negative effects. I’m so glad I found this book in my journey towards better health. Who would have thought that salad dressing…a huge staple in my life…was making me sick? Thank you for this 162 of 164 people found the following review helpful

A mine of gold, December 5, 2004 By Frederic Guerin This review is from: Feast Without Yeast 4 Stages to Better Health (Paperback)Recently, I decided to order 3 Candida Albicans books from Amazon to know what could still be “wrong” with my anti-candida diet. Feast Without Yeast appeared to me at first to be uninteresting. It takes its root in curing Autism, which is not what I was looking for. Moreover the book itself is less attractive, being less stylized and professionnally typesetted than the others. Many recipes call for potatoes or meat, all things that I had left behind me long ago. And isn’t potatoe a carbohydrate of the sort that should be banished from an anti-candida diet?? Well these were my first thoughts. So I began with the other books… After a month or so practicing the others’ diet, nothing had changed and the sky was still very stormy to me. So I finally came back to read this Feast Without Yeast book lurking on my shelf. Wow! In just a night I changed my mind completely. This guy (Dr. Bruce Semon) was presenting a UNIFIED, RIGOROUS and NON-CONTRADICTORY explanation of why Candida is making us so bad. And this understanding makes it possible to know which of our habits may trigger this beast. Moreover, it explains why this damned piece of food, being it coffee or chocolate, beloved and desired more than anything else on earth, even gold, is in fact killing us. Because you need pretty convincing arguments to throw them out of your life. It presents a 4 stages diet, which means that you start progressively to eliminate more and more food, until you feel ok. That is a very amenable and realistic diet plan, because no one on this planet can stop eating all those lovely food at once. And in general, being presented a very restrictive diet, you don’t know where to start at first. Well this book tells it all. ALL. As a final remark, let me say that the book, even if not pretty, is in fact very usable. The recipes are well categorized and the index at the end of the book is VERY comprehensive. This makes it easy to find a recipe targeted to some particular ingredient. Also, the recipes are well explained and taste relatively good given the tremendous restrictions imposed. Most of them are in fact vegetarian. And most importantly, it works! But be warned: it is not an easy diet. It is a life-changing diet, and changing one’s life is never an easy endeavor. But that also is explained by Dr. Semon. 5 stars. For Parents with Autistic Children. This diet is BETTER than GFCFSF, GAPS or SCD diet. By varen on June 30, 2015 Format: Paperback My son has been on “Feast without Yeast” diet and Nystatin for 4 months now and he is almost free of all autistic symptoms.
For parents considering a diet, this diet is BETTER than GFCFSF, GAPS or SCD diet. Apparently, SCD diet as well as others include foods full of mold and toxins which cause repetitiveness, slow brain function, and promote yeast overgrowth.
This diet will help recover fully from autism if a child is 3 years old or younger and will help get symptoms under control and get a stable recovery to some extend for older children.
My son was very autistic and had no speech when he was 2 years old. He was extremely repetitive. He no longer made eye contact, no longer seemed to hear, no longer seemed to understand the 5 words he sometimes spoke. He started having 5-10 tantrums per day and he would wake up every night screaming and head-banging on the floor. He had dark circles under his eyes, pale skin and a fear of separation with mother. He was lining up cars in a long line, later he was replacing toys from one box to another. He stopped saying “Hi” and “Buy”. He stopped pointing at objects.
My son is now 2 years and 8 months old, and he is almost free of any autistic symptoms. He is saying 6-8 word sentences, his eye contact is excellent. He follows my directions, he is curious about everything. Some days he is a bit repetitive (he is not completely free of yeast yet). But most days he is a normal kid, he is progressing, learning, and just being a happy boy. Right now he is learning language just like a normal kid. He is repeating, rephrasing sentences, and asking questions. He has a great sense of humor, he understands emotions. His role play is amazing, he recreates stories from books with toys..
Just a few words about my son’s medical history. He was a healthy boy. He never took any antibiotics. He never had any problems with constipation or diarrhea.He was breasfed for 8 months. He reacted badly to MMR vaccine when he was 13 month old. His autistic symptoms started when he was 18 months old.
When my son started a GFDFSF diet, he was getting better. His eye contact got better and he was generally more with us. However, he had some bad days and some good days. Something was setting him off.
We tried multivitamins, probiotics and GFDFSF diet. It helped somehow, but didn’t treat autistic symptoms completely.
With “Feast without Yeast” diet and Nystatin, we had immediate and noticeable results. I believe that with this diet my son will be free of all autistic symptoms within a year or so.
Author of this diet, Dr. Bruce Semon has an autistic son. He treated his son and since then many other kids. He says that his diet and treatment worked for every autistic kid he’s ever treated.
My son had an OAT Urine test, Stool test and Hair test for heavy metals from the Great Plains Laboratory.
An OAT Urine test showed high levels of waste product of Candida yeast overgrowth.
Stool test didn’t show Candida yeast , and in most cases stool test doesn’t detect yeast.
Hair test for heavy metals didn’t show heavy metals.
“Feast without Yeast” diet is not as difficult or strict as SCD diet. However, this is a long-term treatment. Most kids have to stay on this diet for a few years. It works so well for my son and I believe this will help other children as much as it helped my son.
A few notes on the diet:
1) Diet works only in combination with Nystatin. Diet doesn’t work on it’s own.
1/3 of success is due to the diet and 2/3 of success is due to Nystatin.
2) All multivitamins and especially vitamin B have to be discontinued. They interract with Nystatin and it doesn’t work if vitamins are taken during the treatment. Vitamin B6 and B12 are made from yeast (or made with the help of yeast), so you’re pouring gasoline on the fire when you take high-dose Bs (like B6 or B12) orally.
3) You need to read the book “Feast without Yeast” to implement the diet.
4) Probiotic cannot be taken with Nystatin. We just tried to introduce a D-Lactate probiotic to my son and we had a major set back. It’s best not to take probiotics.
A few notes on Nystatin:
1) We got Nystatin prescription from our regular pediatrician. We showed him OAT Urine test results and the book “Feast without Yeast”. He gave us the prescription and 3 refills without any problems. We came back for another prescription with my son and showed him the progress my son is making with Nystatin. He was surprised by his progress, and gave us a second prescription with 2 refills.
2) You have to make sure your child gets a full dose of Nystatin every day. The drug tastes very bad. I have to use a syringe to spray this drug to my son’s mouth. I give him stickers every time he takes Nystatin and he forgets about the “aftertaste” right away.
This is the only way to give Nystatin to your child. Giving it with water or with other vitamins won’t work. Your child will probably refuse to take it as it’s very bitter. But it helps to get rid of all autistic symptoms, so it’s worth it.
This is a short explanation and dosage of Nystatin:
Just a quick quote from a mother of another autistic child on this diet:
“My son is, with this diet and Nystatin, finally what I would consider “fixed!” By fixed I mean he is able to sit at a table and attend to four hours of school without tuning out. He can write a full page of cursive without quitting. His gut is fixed. The night sweats are gone—this was a biggie, and our doctor thought it was metals. I now think it was yeast or mold. We are still getting big die-off symptoms, and the “yeast smell” many days, so there’s still lots in there, but each day his behavior is better and better. “
Her full review of the diet is here:
I absolutely agree her post.
Try to change your child diet according to this article by Dr. Bruce Semon:
If you see positive changes on Stage 4 of “Feast without Yeast” diet, then go ahead and find the way to get prescription for Nystatin.
A few notes on my son’s diet.
Right now he is feeling so much better, I can immediately see if some foods set him back.
My son is doing great with:
White rice, brown rice, red skin potatoes (no yellow skin potatoes,he reacts to them)
Green zucchini, broccoli, avocado, microgreen kale, asparagus, any other green veggies.
Veal, Lamb and Chicken in small doses every day.
Pure raw honey (not heated). He reacts to heated honey. Therefore, I bake rice muffins without honey and put some raw honey on muffins once they are cold.
Snapeas Crisps lightly salted;
Brown Rice crackers (nothing else added)
He is reacting to everything else including beans, yellow zucchini, sweet potato, yellow skin potato, all yellow vegetables, all fruit. He can have some peeled raw apple sometimes.
I am giving my son the following vitamins and they don’t interfere with the diet:
1) Calcium powder with Vitamin D 800mg/day (Kirkman Labs)
2) Vitamin D and K (Liquid vitamin from Thorne Labs)
3) Zinc cream (Kirkman Labs)
4) Epsom salt baths (for Magnesium Citrate)
5) Magnesium Citrate 250mg/day (Pure Encapsulations)
6) Vitamin E liquid should be fine when taken. My son doesn’t take it right now, but I will update my post once we introduce Vitamin E to my son.